St. Matthew's Anglican Church
St. Albert, Alberta
We meet to worship God on Sundays at
8:00 a.m.: Holy Communion, in person, with some exceptions
10:00 a.m.: Holy Communion, in person and live streamed
We know, throughout scripture, that there are various invitations. Jesus was invited to heal and preach; the disciples were invited to join Jesus as he traveled through the countries to spread the Good News, Philip even told Nathanael, "Come and See!" (John 1:46).
Come and see for yourself how we work to further God's kingdom in the community of St. Albert! We would love nothing more than to welcome you on a Sunday or one of our events throughout the year.
In the spirit of peaceful dialogue, understanding, reconciliation, and healing, we walk alongside our Indigenous and Metis relations on the Treaty 6 Territories. We commit in both prayer and action to be faithful Treaty 6 partners.